Politique de confidentialité
This website collects personal information provided by users when they visit the site.
This information is used to compile general statistics on traffic on the site and to send replies to the e-mail addresses provided by users, information concerning their property project or advertisements from the publisher.
The collection and processing of personal information on the Internet must respect the fundamental rights of individuals. Consequently, the publisher is committed to a processing policy that complies with law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy and the European General Data Protection Regulation.
All users of the site have the right to access, modify, rectify or delete their personal data. They may exercise these rights by contacting the publisher using the contact details given at the top of the page.
To facilitate the exercise of these rights, users of the site may unsubscribe by clicking on the unsubscribe hypertext links on the emails sent or by contacting L'OLIVIER D'OR IMMOBILIER at the following email address: infos@lolivierdor-immobilier.com . Computers connecting to the site's servers receive on their hard disk one or more very light text files commonly known as "cookies".
Cookies record information relating to browsing on the site from the computer on which the cookie is stored (pages visited, date and time of visit, etc.). They make it possible to identify successive visits made from the same computer. Persons connected to the site are free to oppose the recording of cookies. In this respect, they can use the corresponding functions on their browser. However, the publisher draws users' attention to the fact that, in such a case, access to some of the site's services may be impaired or even impossible.
The site editor undertakes to take all legal and technical measures to ensure the security of exchanges. The publisher undertakes to use its best endeavours to prevent misappropriation of data and to comply with applicable regulations. Nevertheless, users of the site are aware of the technical characteristics of the Internet and the associated risks. Consequently, the publisher cannot guarantee its users that data exchanged via the services offered by the site will not be fraudulently harvested by third parties.
The information provided in the form is recorded in a file hosted by the publisher LA BOÎTE IMMO for the company L'OLIVIER D'OR IMMOBILIER so that it can assist you with your property project in accordance with your request.
You have the right to access, rectify or delete the data you have provided at any time by sending a request to L'OLIVIER D'OR IMMOBILIER at the following e-mail address: infos@lolivierdor-immobilier.com.
The site editor will then communicate, rectify or delete your data. We would remind you that there is a Bloctel telephone anti-solicitation list on which you can register.